Looking up at palm trees and the clouds, background hero image for About Us page.

About MAH

The Muslim Association of Hawaii provides a safe, comfortable environment for its members and visitors to come together in the remembrance of Allah (SWT) through prayer, worship, and education.

Our mission

The Muslim Association of Hawaii serves as the state's center for Islamic worship, learning, and community building. Our aim is to establish a loyal, contributing, and service-oriented Muslim community within America's pluralistic and inclusive society, guided and empowered by the teachings of the Qur'an and the model of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

MAH promotes social cohesion and provides support to those in need by serving as a hub for charitable initiatives and community outreach. Additionally, the Masjid functions as a center for interfaith dialogue and collaboration, fostering mutual understanding and respect among people of different beliefs and backgrounds. Our intention is to embody Islam in institutions that can have a lasting, positive impact on our local population and the global community.

The Holy Quran with a tasbeeh (prayer beads) on it.

Our history

As a crossroads of the Pacific for trade and travel, Hawaii is like an earthen pot lying in the heart of the Pacific Ocean, 2300 miles from the US west coast and 3,400 miles from the Asian coast of Japan. Hawaii has been a home for Muslim visitors and residents for more than a century. For over ten decades, even before statehood, there were small Muslim gatherings for prayers. However, in the mid-1960s, a larger and more organized Muslim group and gathering place were formed when many Asian students and professors were drawn to the new East-West Center at UH Manoa. By the time it was officially incorporated, 90% percent were non-students.

The purchase of the first Masjid in Hawaii, 1935 Aleo Place in Manoa, took place in 1979. At the time, it was a large clapboard house with no distinguishing Islamic features and was purchased using a generous donation by an individual who, at his request, we are keeping anonymous.

Muslims in Hawaii are like a rainbow presenting various colors in one arch. Muslims from the Uighurs of China to the Touareq of Mauritania, and the Aloha-spirited people of Hawaii, all merged into one community transcending the superficial boundaries of nationality. In all, Muslim men and women from over 36 countries of differing backgrounds, races and cultures pray next to each other in peace throughout the year.

The first Imam on record was born in China and came to Hawaii after a diplomatic career in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Hajj Saad Abdul Rahim Shih Ming Wang had something in common with our current Imam Ismail ElShikh: an education at the prestigious Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.

The first liaison between MAH and the military community was brother Abdul Shakur Ali, who was a Schofield Barracks soldier in 1983. Now a New Jersey resident, he was the Muslim chaplain at Ground Zero after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Muslims of Hawaii form a vibrant society, from Pakistani and Arab professionals to American-born converts and recent immigrants from Palestine and Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, our masjid serves as a social center for all.

The Masjid arranges various programs for Muslims and awareness programs for non-Muslims including daily prayers, Quranic recitation, Quran memorization, fiqh studies, lecture, sisters’ halaqa, Taraweeh prayers and of course Jumuaa prayers.

Hawaii’s state legislature overwhelmingly approved a bill in May 2009 to celebrate “Islam Day on Sept. 24 every year.” The bill seeks to recognize “the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions” that Islam and the Islamic world have made. The date of Sept. 24 was selected as it was the date of Prophet Muhammad’s (may peace and mercy on him) arrival at Madinah in the first year of Hijrah.


Icon of Muslim man praying, for Daily Prayer Service.

Daily Prayers

Prayer, or Salat, is a critical component of our religion as it serves as a regular reminder of our duties and purpose. The Masjid is open every day for the five daily prayers.

Umbrella icon for funeral services.

Funeral Services

We offer assistance in making funeral arrangements and will guide you through the entire Islamic funeral process.

Star icon for youth program services.

Youth Programs

We operate various youth programs to help children in our community develop leadership and communication skills, and become champions of truth.

Heart icon, for matrimonial services.

Matrimonial Services

Marriage, or Nikkah, is a Prophetic tradition that has certain requirements. The Muslim Association of Hawaii offers marriage counseling and is licensed to perform marriage ceremonies.

Women-only Programs

The Muslim Association of Hawaii hosts programs catered exclusively to women, such as the weekly Halaqa that takes place on Saturdays.

Book icon for Islamic education service.

Islamic Education

We run educational Islamic programs and workshops to help our community nurture Islamic knowledge and learn more about our beautiful religion and its principles.